Exceptional Student Education graphic

The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department provides programs and services for students whose needs cannot be met in school without additional support and to assist students with a successful transition from school to community. The Exceptional Student Education Department also includes the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) and the Severely Emotionally Disturbed Network (SEDNET).

Programs specific to Exceptional Student Education (ESE) are:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Deaf/ Hard of Hearing
  • Developmentally Delayed
  • Dual Sensory Impaired
  • Emotional Behavior Disability
  • Gifted
  • Hospital or Homebound/Home Instruction
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • McKay Scholarship
  • Orthopedically Impaired
  • Other Health Impaired
  • Prekindergarten Handicapped
  • Specific Learning Disabled
  • Speech and/ or Language Impaired
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visually Impaired

Students placed in Exceptional Student Education (ESE) programs must qualify according to specific guidelines developed by the State and documented in the Hernando County Exceptional Student Education Policies and Procedures (SP&P) for the education of exceptional students from prekindergarten (age 3) until their 22nd birthday.

Individual Education Plans (IEPs), 504 Plans, Service Plans (SP), and Educational Plans (EPs) are developed to best meet the students' individual needs in the least restrictive environment. These plans are developed by a team that includes parents, ESE personnel, general education teachers of the student, the student when turning 14 years of age or older, outside agencies if needed, and any other staff as appropriate.

ESE Procedural Safeguards

ESE Salvaguardas Procesales