PGES founden in 1988 - A Cambridge International School

School Administration

Principal - Natasha Saavedra           Assistant Principal - TBA

Quick Facts Abour Our School

Current Student Enrollment - xxx

  • Pre-K - 
  • Kindergarten - 
  • First Grade - 
  • Second Grade - 
  • Third Grade - 
  • Fourth Grade - 
  • Fifth Grade - 

Current Faculty With Dstinction

  • HCSD Teacher of the Year
  • National Board Certified Teacher
  • Two of our teachers attended Pine Grove Elementary!

Staff - 107

  • Staff with advanced degrees - 14
  • Staff with multiple degrees - 3
  • Military Service - 4 have served their country

Principals - Past and Present

  • Michael Tellone
  • Dave Dannemiller
  • Earl Deen
  • Nancy Johnson
  • Tom Kalament
  • Natasha Saavedra

Former Faculty With Distinction

  • Gina Michalicka - Ass't. Superintendent of Teaching & Learning
  • Lisa Cropley - Executive Director of Student Support Programs
  • Scott Piesik - Principal of J.D. Floyd Elementary School